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Hiring new employees is an exciting time for any entrepreneur.
It comes with a sense of optimism: a belief that with the right team in place business will grow in new exciting directions.
Hiring employees is also really tough work. It adds a whole bunch of to-do’s to the already busy entrepreneur’s list.
First, there’s the process of figuring out how to find qualified applicants, screen them, and interview them.
Then, once an employee comes on board, there’s payroll to manage, and a whole slew of government reporting requirements.
Most entrepreneurs don’t have an HR department or a payroll unit to help them. They’re creating jobs without the network of solutions and supports that bigger companies can rely on.
At Intuit, we believe that small business owners deserve more help and support so that they can create even more jobs and prosperity.
That’s why we conducted a study of 505 Canadian small business owners to better understand how they approach the challenge of creating jobs.
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